We are a select group of engineers, designers and developers

We make it easy

We believe that simple and usable software influences directly in a company’s good functioning. That is why we apply simplicity to all our services. It does not matter if the process is complex, it’s execution must be simple.

We commit to your business plan

We commit to our customers. We want the success of every project we work in and we work hard every day to make this possible.

You can trust us

We create a partnership with our customers. We do not want to be simply a technology supplier, we want more. We want to be that partner in which our customers trust.

Our history

Born in early 2016, we are a young company and willing to grow. Our team has been working together since the beginning of 2013, making custom applications and software development of complete digital products. By focusing our services in the Utilities sector, in particular at Oil & Gas sector, we achieved to manage more than 100 million euros in monthly sales among our customers. In 2017 we moved to the ICT Business Center of Granada (CETIC) where we are collaborating with several SMEs and multinationals in the sector.